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How to use external camera on SV07

How to use external camera on SV07

Equipment requirements:

1. The interface is USB-A and supports the UVC camera

Insert the camera into A USB type A port on the LCD


2. Use any SSH remote connection tool on the computer, here take MobaXterm software on a Windows computer as an example: click "Session"

3. Click "SSH"


4. Enter the IP address and user name and click OK

IP address: IP address of the printer (Can be viewed by clicking Network option on printer display) Username: mks Password: makerbase


5. After entering the password, press Enter

Note: The password is not visible when you enter it and is not displayed as normal


6. Input                           cd klipper

Press Enter to go to the Klipper directory

7. Input

git clone --depth=1

Press Enter to download a ustreamer video stream from github


8. Input                         cd ustreamer

Press Enter to enter the ustreamer directory


9. Input                         make

Press Enter and wait for the compilation to complete


10. In the left menu bar of the web interface, select "Settings", then select "Camera", and click "+ Add camera".


11. Create a name for the camera, the other parameters are default, and click Add

12. Restart the printer on the screen


13. Refresh the page to see the camera screen

4 comments on How to use external camera on SV07
  • Matt D
    Matt D

    Didn’t even have to do any of the github installation, my SV07 plus had the camera options in the interface right out of the box and I couldn’t be happier.

    I do wonder if there’s a way to trigger screenshots using gcode or something similar? It’d be neat to automate some timelapses.

    September 13, 2023
  • Joel G
    Joel G

    worked a treat with my MS LC HD 3k camera.. no issues at all

    September 02, 2023
  • Cory Wagner
    Cory Wagner

    This is great! Will any USB webcam with an A plug work?

    September 01, 2023
  • Daneleus

    Nice Guide!!!

    August 25, 2023
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